Face Equality Day in 2020
May 17, 2020 marks the tenth Face Equality Day in Taiwan, and it also kicks off the second International Face Equality Week (May 17-24) celebrated around the globe by charities representing people with facial disfigurement.Despite the challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic, global charities, from Asia to South Africa through North and Latin America have joined forces to create a digital campaign. Sunshine Foundation is part of a group of 37 people with facial disfigurement, family members and advocates from 7 countries who contributed to a video made by Face Equality International to highlight what Face Equality means to people with a different appearance and why it's important.
Face Equality Day in 2019
Since 2014, Sunshine Foundation has been celebrating Face Equality Day on May 17.Creating a national Face Equality movement
This year's Face Equality Day will mark the culmination of Sunshine's Face Equality Island Tour project that was launched in late 2018 to promote Face Equality across Taiwan.
The goal of the Island Tour is to have city and county governments across Taiwan pledge their support for Face Equality and initiate concrete actions to prevent appearance-based discrimination. At the same time, we are seeking pledges of support from schools and businesses in each county and city. Over the last few months, Sunshine's team has traveled across Taiwan, visiting government representatives to seek their support. So far:
- 19 cities and counties have pledged support for Face Equality and will promote Face Equality Week. Tainan City and New Taipei City have adopted concrete measures to stop the practice of requiring a resume with photo when hiring government employees.
- Over 450 schools across Taiwan have pledged support of Face Equality and over the next few months, social education activities will be held in these schools.
- Over 200 businesses across Taiwan have pledged support of Face Equality.
- Sunshine partnered with cartoonist Mr. H.H, his character Mei Mei is the spokesperson for the Face Equality Island Tour and she appears on special transparent static cling decals with the message: "I'm beautiful not because of how I look, but because of who I am." Schools and businesses who support Face Equality can stick the decals to doors or mirrors.
Making Face Equality a global campaign
May 17 will also mark the start of the first international Face Equality Week. In 2018, Sunshine joined Face Equality International, a unique alliance of charities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which want to see the campaign for 'face equality' become a global movement. The 30 NGOs that are members of Face Equality International will be holding Face Equality Days in their own countries and regions.